Employee engagement can be improved by exercise before work. The findings are in new research published in the Journal of Occupational Health.
We are all aware of the importance of exercise. Countless studies have shown that regular exercise brings a whole host of benefits such as better physical and mental health, better sleep, improved weight management and improved mood. However the new research indicates that the benefits of exercise before work can be even more profound for employers and employees.
Physical Activity Changes the Mindset
This new research indicates that the effect of physical activity before work improves work engagement and reduces job related anxiety. The research indicates that the effect of the exercise is that it shapes how workers appraise the work environment and task. In other words if the worker has had exercise before work, the chemicals stimulated in the body by the exercise result in the worker subconsciously viewing a task more positively, seeing it as a ‘challenge’ rather than as ‘threatening/overwhelming’.
Practically How Can Employers Improve Employee Engagement
So how can employers and employees harness the benefits of this research practically in the workplace and benefit? Managers could consider introducing the following to facilitate employees getting exercise before work:
1. Cycling, walking or jogging to work can be encouraged. Consider offering bike racks and secure bike storage.
2.Offer shower facilities at work. Note if shower facilities are installed at work, employers should risk assess for Legionella bacteria.
3. Encourage breaks for stretching and physical activity before work and throughout the day . Facilitate workers participating in exercise at lunch and breaks ideally outside for example a brisk walk.
4. Where possible offer flexible work hours to facilitate employees being able to undertake exercise prior to starting work or to incorporate exercise as part of journey routine. For example cycling to work may take longer than driving by car to work.
4. Promote fitness in the workplace. Perhaps reserve a space at the workplace which workers can use at specific regular times for exercise or mindfulness purposes. Workers could be guided with access to an online fitness application. Promote physical activity, walking up the stairs rather than taking the lift, facilitating employees to make healthy lifestyle choices.
5. Small businesses may struggle to provide an on-site gym, but consider partnering with a local one to provide subsidised or reimbursed membership as a benefit. When looking for premises consider if gym facilities are located nearby.
6. When employees see leaders prioritising their well-being, it can inspire them to do the same.
These are small measures which most employers could accommodate. The study was focussed on reducing stress at work . Employers should be mindful that there is an legal obligation under health and safety legislation to risk assess and minimise exposure to stress at the workplace.